Saturday, January 30, 2010

Residential Zone Infill - Pickering Street

The demolition of this 1880’s era property at number 8 Pickering Street is about to happen.

The tenant, Mr John Stutters,  is relocating to Beverly.

Charles Sturt Council approved the construction of 5 two story town houses on the site –decisively reverting to the original 1870’s  12 foot frontage  row dwelling system. This is a heritage move of sorts. No design or other requirements were imposed on the proposal, apart from privacy provisions (see following extract from City Charles Sturt development assessment board minutes

Report Period - July 2009 
All Wards 

Application Number: 

5 Two Storey Row Dwellings 

Potter Constructions (Sa ) Pty Ltd

37 L'Estrange Street


Property Address: 
8 Pickering Street


CT Lot 52 DP 459 Vol 5692 Fol 169 & Lot 53 DP 459 Vol 5692 Fol 
Reference: 169 & Lot 51 DP 459 Vol 5692 Fol 169 & Lot 50 DP 459 Vol 5759 
Fol 383 plus 2 more... 

External Referrals and Concurrences: 

Consent Type Applied Decision Approved 
PDPC 2/05/2008 Approved 21/07/2009 

Develop in accordance with the approved plans That the proposal shall be developed in accordance with the details and approved plans 
stamped by Council except where varied by the conditions herein and shall be completed prior to occupation of the proposed development

Reason:To ensure the development proceeds in an orderly manner. 

1.7 metre high sill height That the side and rear upper storey windows have a 1.7 metre high sill height above the finished floor level or have 
translucent glass to a height of 1.7 metres. The translucent glass windows shall be fixed or be provided with awning sashes that do not 
exceed an open distance of 200mm

Reason:To minimise the impact on adjoining residents

Note: With respect to this condition other forms of screening can be used as long as it can be demonstrated to Council that such screening 
will prevent overlooking. However, should you wish to use an alternative screening method you are required to lodge an application to vary 
the above condition. 
Stormwater be directed away from neighbouring properties All stormwater runoff shall be directed away from neighbouring properties

Reason:To ensure stormwater is disposed of in a controlled manner. 

Stormwater Condition All stormwater from buildings and paved areas shall be disposed of in such a manner that it does not result in the entry 
of water into a building or affect the stability of a building

Reason:To ensure the development proceeds in an orderly manner. 

Screening to Rear Balconies That the rear balconies have a timber slatted screen (maximum openings 25%), solid panel screening or a 
translucent glass screen to a height of 1.7 metres above finished floor level. Reason:To minimise the impact of overlooking on adjoining 

Note: With respect to this condition other forms of screening can be used as long as it can be demonstrated to Council that such screening 
will prevent overlooking. However, should you wish to use an alternative screening method you are required to lodge an application to vary 
the above condition. 

Appeal Decision : 
No Appeal 

Building Work Dates: 
Commencement Completion 

Consent Charges And Ministerial Fees : 


Advertised for sale in the Weekly Messenger 27/1/2010 at around $480,000 per  each:

 - numbers 9,11 and 13 Mann Drive Brompton. The site is now empty apart from the advertising hoarding:

By my calculations this translates to a rental of about $900 PW.

If the total household income at number 9 Mann Drive were to be $270,000 or so, this might be “affordable housing” for the occupants.

# assume rental return at 10% capital value, full time average weekly wage at 1,200 and  three wage earners as tenants.

# The redevelopment will continue across second street towards the Brompton Park Hotel (just visible here center left, across the vacant block where once stood Grumpy Mill’s house.)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


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Hindmarsh Issues is dedicated to the memory of Bill “Grumpy” Mills.

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