Saturday, May 29, 2010

Disturbance in Brompton Park

There was a large and excited crowd 
in Mann-street, Brompton Park, on 
Saturday evening.It was described at 
the Magistrates' Court, Hindmarsh, as 
a "hooting howling mob". The 
disturbance was caused by the arrest 
of Alfred Ernest Jones by Constable 
Amy, on a charge of drunkenness. At 
the Magistrates' Court, Hindmarsh, on 
Monday, Alfred Ernest Jones pleaded 
guilty to a charge of having been 
drunk in Mann street, Brompton 
Park,on Saturday evening, and was 
fined 10/. Jones pleaded not guilty 
to a charge of having used indecent 
language. Constable Amy gave evidence 
in support of the charge, and this 
was corroborated by Sergeant Radford.
Myrtle Alma Hayward, called by Jones, 
said she was "coming around the 
corner" wheeling an invalid's chair, 
when she invited Jones to have a 
ride, and he said,"Yes". The 
constable touched Jones on the 
shoulder, and both walked away eight 
or nine yards. She did not hear what 
the constable said, but Jones 
replied, "I am going home." The 
constable pulled him from the fence 
he had his hands on, and threw him to 
the ground, when she said "Oh, you 
coward." She admitted having heard 
the filthy language, and said, "What 
the constable said about it is true." 
Jones was fined one pound and costs 

Jones was then charged by Sergeant 
Radford with having resisted 
Constable Amy in the execution of his 
duty. Amy said it was about 7:30 p.m. 
on Saturday when he arrested Jones, 
who walked a little way and then 

gripped hold of a picket fence. He 
tried to induce him to go along to 
the police-station quietly, and told 
him he would let go his hold if he 
would do so. He had to pull Jones off 
the fence, and when the accused got 
to his feet he struck him and said, 
"Take that you ---" Jones would not 
come with him, and resisted for about 
30 minutes before the arrival of 
Sergeant Radford. He had to throw 
Jones in self-defence, and did not 
use any more force than was 
necessary. There was a big crowd, but 
no one assisted, and some fighting 
was going on.
sergeant Radford said it took about 
40 minutes to get Jones from 
Mann-street to the police-station.
Jones-Wasn't I unconscious three 
The Sergeant said when he arrived 
Jones was kicking Amy on the back and 
loins and using disgusting language. 
There was a howling mob around, and 
this made things worse. Jones 
struggled all the way to the 
William Howard Bushbridge, called by 
Jones, said the accused was 'pretty 
fair, but able to look after 
himself." he was not aware that Jones 
was under arrest, and said to the 
constable, "Will you mind letting me 
take him home to have a sleep?"
Edward Noakes stated that Amy asked 
Jones to go to the police-station, 
and the reply was, "No, I'll go home 
and have a sleep." Jones had not a chance to resist.

Jones said he became unconscious three times. His head was cut open by a fall.
Sergeant Radford-Didn't you get that by a trap accident! - I decline to answer.
Were you arrested on Christmas Day!-I decline to answer.
Were you prosecuted for resisting the police!-I decline to answer.

The court believed the evidence of the police. Jones was fined three pounds and cost 15/. or in default two months in gaol.

The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889-1931), Tuesday 17 January 1911, page 9

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reformed Character Zones

The City of Charles Sturt residents who live in a heritage  or residential character zone should take the first possible opportunity to download the Councils Heritage Fact Sheet “Why is Heritage Important”. It’s a good read, and may well be of historical interest, if Councils plan for rezoning a large slice of Charles Sturt residential suburbs goes as planned

(extract from Councils Heritage Fact Sheet)

The soon to be released “Residential Growth Strategy” Development Amendment Plan is intended to reduce the impact of Residential Character and Heritage Zones on further infill development in the corridor between Torrens and Port Roads, Park Terrace  to Woodville Road.

 Charles Sturt CEO Mark Withers confirmed to Hindmarsh Issues Friday night at the Greening Hindmarsh launch that the focus group scoping study for the rezoning is well under way, and the project is on track to be completed as per the Council timeframe:

Editor - explanatory note:
“community engagement” means focus group research

“Review residential design standards”  means rewrite

Development Plan Policy statements

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Open Space

Charles Sturt Council approved a revised Concept Plan for the Cheltenham Racecourse site this week.  A comparison of the first Concept Plan and this new one shows clearly that, if the developers proceed with the scheme, there will be two Transport Orientated Developments in the area and a considerable increase in residential and retail density overall.

Councils report (link) lays out the financial contributions from the three levels of Government – if, as the developers originally claimed, the stormwater capture component of the Cheltenham site is considered by the Council to be “open space”, then this along with the St Clair reserve portion goes a fair way to paying for the Developers legal requirement to provide a percentage of the site as open space. Charles Sturt will have the ongoing expense of running and maintaining this wetlands area as the project manager of the overall Waterproofing the West  scheme

In Hindmarsh, it is pretty clear that any open space near to a railway line, with the possibility of Government owned land nearby, is likely to be treated in the same manner by developers. The Sammy Johnson Reserve in Renown Park fits all these criteria. A private Development Amendment Plan is at the moment being drawn up by the developers of the Solver Paint site – which is likely to have some degree of polluted ground because of the longterm use of the former paint manufacturing factory.

If the same mechanisms as at St Clair are followed with this development, one could reasonably expect a significant impact on the nature of the Renown Park Reserve. As far as Hindmarsh Issues can determine, there is no proposal yet to rezone the noxious  Entech factory just over the council boundary in Port Adelaide Enfield.

Charles Sturt has entered into a commercial understanding with the owners of the Alexander Avenue land, and will subsequently assess the Development Amendment Plan being crafted by the developers for their project and some surrounding properties.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Heavengate Waters Development

Council and Consortium plan the residential resurrection of  the former Hindmarsh Cemetery site:

Heavengate Waters is the latest vibrant residential development in the pipeline for the booming WAA (West Adelaide Approaches). Located less than five percentiles from the CBD, and selling fast, this state of the art community envisions a lifestyle many of us could only dream of, Project Manager Gerry Bilt informed  wealth creators recently.


  Credulity Index up 26% Dec 08 /Dec 09

Council last night told Hindmarsh Issues via subpoena that resident concerns were gravely misplaced: “They do not value-add “  it noted.

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