Tuesday 3 April 2012 Page 1036
The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Minister for State Development) (14:22):
On 25 March, the Property Council of Australia released a survey of 5,200 Australians about the liveability of their cities and how their governments performed in urban policy. For the second year running Adelaide was the winning city. Adelaide is seen as an affordable place with a good standard of living, as well as being clean, well maintained and unpolluted. Last week also saw the Property Council launch a campaign to improve cities across Australia.
I am pleased to say that, in his speech to the National Press Club, the CEO of the Property Council of Australia, Peter Verwer, said that South Australia is the only jurisdiction to have integrated city planning and target setting right—the only jurisdiction in the nation. This is an endorsement of both the 30-year plan and also South Australia's Strategic Plan.
While these accolades are welcome, the government intends to keep striving to further improve our city.
The survey also highlighted the types of housing development Adelaide residents want for the future, with a high level of support, interestingly, being for the conversion of old industrial sites to apartments and townhouses, which is good news for the Bowden, Brompton and other developments.