Monday, March 18, 2013


3 months of pipeline construction will shut down Wood Avenue, Second St., Sixth St., and Park Terrace in turn, according to SA DIRECTIONAL DRILLING's leaflet hand delivered today, 18/03/2013. The go-to man is Rick Cerracchio, 81687200 or M: 0407808374 for schedule details etc.

A new 16 inch diameter PVC pipe will deliver River Torrens water to the existing stormwater drain under Wood Avenue from where it will be carried down to the Cheltenham Park wetlands off Torrens Road. A pumping station, owned and operated by the City of Charles Sturt Council, will be erected next to the weir in Bonython Park :

Saturday, March 2, 2013




March 2013 Brompton.

City of Charles Sturt Planning Department's ”STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS REPORT“ has recommended that a major portion of the residential character and heritage zones in Bowden Brompton be delisted. The areas indicated by the report are as follows:

Let us face facts, fellow residents! Our heritage items are so old they no longer 
represent current – let alone future – circumstances! And before anyone has the cheek to suggest otherwise, I will allow no blame laid at the feet of the professional Charles Sturt Council staff for the rapid percentage rise of non-conforming buildings in our area. Nor indeed, should blame be cast on the ALP which has run the Council since 2002. They have worked fruitfully with the Council planners

We need to shoulder the blame ourselves for these zone failures. Be honest – have we managed to be vibrant and edgey place-makers in our urban setting? Looking at the restored workmen's cottages, one sees only the non-performing and lazy capital investments of the '80s. No, the failure of the residential character zones is a direct result of our own character faults. How could we expect that a few mosaic pots and stobie pole paintings could protect us from the future?

The Council will recommend high density mixed use zones as the only effective way to prevent “resident sabotage” of a vibrant future town. I for one just hope that the zone failure does not spread to other areas. It may only be a matter of time....

resident X

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