Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hidson Protege in hot seat Updated 1/4/2010

"Hullo, I'm NOT Charles Sturt!"

The local MP and Attorney General Mick Atkinson faces an interesting State election campaign this year, with a series of disgruntled opposition groups coalescing under the on-line imprimatur of the Advertiser newspaper. 

These range from the well heeled “Save Saint Clair” ratepayers group,  the computer gamers  and on to the other extreme, the hell’s angels – an overly broad Church to be sure, but one sharing a strong dislike for the obsessively hard working Labor Minister. 

I imagine you’d  have to go back to the ‘thirties of last century to witness the last demonstration by aggrieved voters outside the Spence  (or West Torrens) electorate office, yet recently I saw a small group of Saint Clair-ers  on the Port Road outside the Croydon electoral office with their banners. 

Among other protests against Mick, the most interesting in my book was the Note delivered in Canberra by the Turkish Ambassador to the Federal Government of Australia. 

 Perhaps his is not the model of a perfect Attorney General. They tend somehow to the inconspicuous and low profile – even a bit boring – type. Just a very naughty boy, or the messiah? We will have a chance to say in March.

Updated 1/4/2010:

Details of the Turkisk protest can be found in The Australian here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will you tell us more about the Note delivered in Canberra by the Turkish Ambassador to the Federal Government of Australia, please?

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