My name is Max Galanti.
I am standing for the seat of Croydon as an Independent Candidate on March 20th. I have lived in the Croydon Electorate in Woodville Park for 41 years. My wife and I have two boys. I work as an industrial engineer.
It’s great to hear that you have a community paper and that it can be accessed on line. I believe we need more of this in other electorates. It allows people in the community the opportunity to voice their concerns on local and state issues, it allows other people in the community to realise that issues they feel strongly about may also be shared by other members of the local area. This was shown in the St Clair issue and it was great to see how many of my local community felt about the possible loss of St Clair . I think you have an advantage that you have set up an avenue where local issues can be brought to the attention of other neighbours very quickly and that updates can also be posted.
I am standing because local issues are no longer taken into account - we can see this with Cheltenham race course, here was an opportunity to turn this area into a magnificent green area with playing fields and stormwater collection, we could have used the collected water in summer. St Clair with its wide open green area and no housing gives people of the area an opportunity to escape the “residential area”. St Clair was community land its title was changed and sold to developers and they want to dig it up and surround it with housing.
The decline of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital - maternity has been taken away and the world renowned renal unit has been taken to the Royal Adelaide. Patient waiting times at the Q.E.H. have now blown out to be some of the longest when compared to other major hospitals.
I believe independent politicians tend to represent local people and their issues better that party politicians - a good example is Nick Xenephon. He has taken up many causes for people all over this state he can afford to do this because he has no party baggage.
The western area has been a stronghold of labor - it has a large majority in both Croydon and Cheltenham electorates and this is where the problem starts. Our local concerns can be dismissed as the impact may be minimal on this large advantage Labor holds. Well I believe the impact on their majority will be bigger than they think.
Max Galanti.
(Hindmarsh Issues has approached Croydon candidates for their input. Max is the first off the mark.)
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