Friday, June 18, 2010


Last Mondays’ Charles Sturt Council meeting, in a confidential  session, determined to seek legal protection against the enquiry by the State Ombudsman into the “St Clair affair”.

 “4.  Should  the  Ombudsman  decline  the  Councils  invitation  to  cease  his present activities until the resolution of the  legal action set out above, 
Council  instructs  its  legal  advisors  to  seek  injunctive  relief  preventing 
further  investigative  activities by  the Ombudsman until  the  resolution 
of the legal action. “

The complete recommendation was supported unanimously by Council members:

City of Charles Sturt  19.  CL Minutes 15/06/10 

[Note:  These minutes are unconfirmed until 28 June 2010] 

  (B6006, B6206) 


  That pursuant to Section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council hereby 
  orders that the public be excluded from attendance at this meeting with the 
  exception of the Chief Executive and administrative staff currently in attendance 
  in order to consider the item in confidence as the matter falls within the ambit of 
  Section 90(3) (h) in order to receive and consider legal advice from Councils 

  Moved Councillor Wasylenko, Seconded Councillor Fitzpatrick  Carried 

Suspension of Proceedings – 8.21 pm 

That Council suspend the operation of Division 2 of the Local Government (Procedures at 
Meetings)  Regulations  2000  to  facilitate  informal  discussions  regarding  the  ombudsman 

Moved Councillor Keneally, Seconded Councillor Wasylenko    Carried 

Resumption of Proceedings – 9.34 pm 

That the period of suspension be brought to an end. 

Moved Councillor Rau, Seconded Councillor Angelino    Carried 

City of Charles Sturt  20.  CL Minutes 15/06/10

[Note:  These minutes are unconfirmed until 28 June 2010]

  1.  That the City of Charles Sturt notes advice  from Councils  legal advisors
dated 4 June 2010.

  2.  Council resolves to instruct its legal advisors to take legal action to seek
declaratory relief or judicial review to:

    (a)  overturn  the  Ombudsman’s  refusal  to  specify  the
‘administrative  acts’  the  subject  of  his  present  investigation
into the City of Charles Sturt;

    (b)  require  the  Ombudsman  to  permit  those  the  subject  of  his
interviews to have legal representation at the interview and to
provide transcript to them of that interview

  3.  Council further  instructs  its  legal advisors to seek clarification from the
Ombudsman  that  he  will  await  the  resolution  of  the  legal  action
referred  to  above  prior  to  continuing  with  his  present  investigation

  4.  Should  the  Ombudsman  decline  the  Councils  invitation  to  cease  his
present activities until the resolution of the  legal action set out above,
Council  instructs  its  legal  advisors  to  seek  injunctive  relief  preventing
further  investigative  activities by  the Ombudsman until  the  resolution
of the legal action.

  5.  Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the power to enact the
above resolutions and provide any further instructions to Councils legal
advisors consistent with the above.

  6.  That  pursuant  to  Section  91(7)  of  the  Local  Government  Act  1999,
Council hereby orders that the report to Council and appendices of this
item be kept confidential for a period of 12 months [Note: The grounds
for this order are outlined  in the resolution above whereby the matter
was considered in confidence by Council under Section 90(2)].

  Moved Councillor Rau, Seconded Councillor Angelino    Carried Unanimously

Friends Fall Out.

The move by Council runs counter to its previous whole hearted support for the Ombudsman enquiry, where residents were able to access  his first four reports, published in the Council Agenda. They cleared the Council of any administrative  errors in the St Clair land swap.

Charles Sturt CEO Mark Withers was quoted  then as saying:

 "We published those final reports on complaints made between September and December because there was a lot of criticism of the council back then" 

One must assume that the final report is unlikely to be so highlighted.


Anonymous said...

Do other Charles Sturt residents feel incredulous about this? Here is a Council apparently prepared to use ratepayers funds to take legal action against the Ombudsman!! Does anyone else think that is bizarre? One can only wonder why? Could it be that they hope to impede a full and proper investigation into potential conflicts of interest over the St Clair land swap until after the local government elections? If at all??

Hindmarsh Issues said...

These are very good questions. Mick Atkinson M.P. (Croydon) commented on the matter to Hindmarsh Issues here:

As for the timeframe involved, it seems likely to be a lengthy one, and if the matter does get to be heard in the Supreme Court, it seems unlikely to be before the council elections this year. Hindmarsh Issues has been informed by Charles Sturt Councils’ Marketing Consultant that:

“ We have not been advised whether the Court will hear the matter immediately or first assess whether there is a 'case' and then set down a further date to hear the case.”

On the other hand, the Registrars’ Office reports that:

“I can advise we have received a summons for Judicial Review - however, it has yet to be listed. For further reference the Action Number (how the Court keeps track of these documents) is SCCIV-10-874.

In order for this matter to move forward in the Court, documents from the defendant or an application from either party would need to be lodged with us.”

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