Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A number of ratepayers in Brompton
and Bowden wards have taken action
to prevent, if possible, the selling of
First St Brompton, despite the res-
sult of the poll taken on Saturday declar-
ing in favor of the proposal. Reference
to the question will probably be made
in Parliament. The following letter has
been sent to the Commissioner of Crown
Lands on the subject:-
We, the undersigned ratepayers in the Hind-
marsh municipality, respectfullv desire to bring
the following facts before your notice in refe-
rence to the proposal to sell part of First
A poll of the ratepayers was held on Saturday,
July 15, and although the two wards concerned
viz, Brompton and Bowden wards, gave a
negative vote, the poll was carried by the rate
payers of Hindmarsh ward, who are in no way
concerned, and who will reap a large share
from the proceeds of the sale if it is completed
Ratepayers in Brompton and Bowden wards pro-
pose petitioning his Excellency the Governor.
against the closing of the street in terms of
legal opinion received from the Hon. W.J.
Denny, and we, the undersigned ratepayers, re
spespectfully request you to withhold your sanction
to the transference of the street to tbe South
Australian Gas Company until a memorial has
been prepared to the Governor, which is now in
hand. Might we respectfully point out that if the
street is closed it will seriously interfere with
the convenience of a large number of ratepay-
ers, and will be an invasion of their rights as
citizens. We desire also to say that a majo-
rity of members in the Hindmarsh Town Council
are adverse to the selling of the street, and
that at several public meetings….
The Advertiser Tuesday 18 July 1911

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