Sunday, July 11, 2010

terms of reference

Message from

LMC Cultural Mapping Steering Group

(Bowden Urban Village Project)

Terms of Reference

1. Introduction

What is Cultural Mapping?

Cultural mapping involves a community identifying and documenting local cultural resources.

Through this research cultural elements are recorded — the tangibles like galleries...distinctive landmarks, local events and industries, as well as the intangibles like memories, personal histories, attitudes and values.

After researching the elements that make a community unique, cultural mapping involves initiating a range of community activities or projects to record, conserve and use these elements.

(Reference: tulapping Culture: Aguide for cultural and economic development in communities, Canberra: The Commonwealth Department of Communications and the Arts, 1995).

The Bowden Urban Village (BUV) is medium and high density, mixed use redevelopment project which will occur on the former 10.25ha Clipsal site at Bowden and the 5.9ha Origin Energy Site (former Brompton Gasworks) at Brompton.

The Bowden Urban Village cultural mapping process is being facilitated to:

           Develop and record a comprehensive understanding of the historical aspects of the former Clipsal Site, Bowden and the former Origin Energy Site, Brompton as depicted in the tangible i.e. the structures, artefacts and remnant industrial activities that remain in the area and the intangible I.e. the stories, the memories and themes relevant to the area;

           Identify the tangible and intangible elements that can be effectively incorporated into the redevelopment area. These mediums may include the development of public art, precinct signage, heritage trails or the collection and storage of artefacts within the existing curatorial institutions.

2. Purpose and Scope

This Land Management Corporation (LMC) Cultural Mapping Steering Group (CMSG) will facilitate the exchange of information, views and ideas between its members and the Cultural Mapping and Survey project consultancy about the research, recording and implementation of cultural heritage matters associated with the BUV project area.

In particular, the purpose of the CMSG is to:

           provide a steering role in the direction of the project;

     receive reports from the consultancy appointed to undertake cultural heritage research and recording in the BUV project area;

           assist LMC and the consultancy In identifying cultural heritage items/elements (physical and non-physical) in the BUV project area that may be researched and documented, as well as individuals with knowledge pertinent to these items/elements;

           oversee the scope of works required to identify and record artefacts, objects, structures and stories that are relevant to the BUV project area;

           exchange views and ideas about suggestions for adaptive reuse strategies and/or ways relevant items can be included in the redevelopment area creating a physical and virtual experience and providing public enjoyment for residents and visitors through experiencing heritage, natural and cultural assets; and

           facilitate communication between the LMC and the CMSG regarding heritage issues relating to the BUV project area.

It is expressly not the purpose of the CMSG to debate the demolition or removal of physical structures in relation to the BUV project area.

Meetings are facilitated by Andre Stuyt (LMC), and the Cultural Mapping Project is directed by Sandy Rix – General Manager, Projects (LMC).

1.       Membership

Nominated Representative (Hindmarsh Historical Society)

Nominated Representative (Adelaide & Inner Suburbs Branch of the National Trust) Nominated Representative (Bowden Brompton Community Group)

Nominated Representative (Hindmarsh Greening)

Nominated Representative (Hindmarsh Activist Group)

Nominated Representative (Bowden Resident's Action Group)

Linda Lacy (Cultural Heritage Project Officer - City of Charles Sturt)

Andre Sluyt & Barbara Dickens (LMC)

Membership may be broadened, to fulfil the steering role of the group, through expert advice, if and/or when required.

2.       Role of Members

4.1 Role of LMC

The role of LMC representatives at the CMSG is lo:

  share information with CMSG members and the consultancy about LMC's project activities relevant to the cultural heritage of the Bowden Urban Village project area;

  where necessary in the context of the area being discussed, disclose confidential information relevant to the Bowden Urban Village project but only if the CMSG members agree to respect the confidentiality of the information to be disclosed. The disclosure of confidential information will be at the sole discretion of LMC;

  provide timely responses to matters raised by CMSG members and the consultancy relevant to the areas of the Bowden Urban Village project that are undergoing cultural heritage research;

  provide administrative support to the CMSG including the preparation and distribution of minutes, agendas and other papers as necessary;

                       convene CMSG meetings;

     engage the consultant while having regard for the discussions and recommendations of the CMSG;

     meet all Consultant expenses;

     take the lead role in instructing the consultant while having regard for the discussions and recommendations of the CMSG; and

     respect the confidentiality of information disclosed by CMSG members. Disclosure of confidential information will be at the sole discretion of CMSG members.

4.2 Role of CMSG members

The role of each CMSG member is to:

     identify items/elements in the Bowden Urban Village project area that may be subject to cultural heritage research, documentation and suggestions for refolding into the development by the consultancy;

     assist the consultancy in its collection of oral histories by identifying individuals with knowledge about the cultural heritage of the Bowden Urban Village project area;

     share information with the consultancy about cultural heritage relevant to the Bowden Urban Village project area;

           provide expert advice/considered feedback/suggestions for adaptive reuse strategies and/or ways relevant items can be included in potential cultural tourism infrastructure as required; and engage in robust discussion in response to suggestions;

     undertake a steering role by providing direction to the LMC's consultant engaged to undertake the cultural mapping exercise through discussion in meetings;

     not disclose to any external party information that LMC representatives say in the course of a CMSG meeting is confidential;

     not author any news releases or give response, on behalf of the CMSG, to media enquiries pertaining to this cultural heritage survey project;

     attend Steering Group meetings;

     review and provide comments on draft reports;

     as a group, respond to and comment on final reports; and

     share information with communities and committees but not distribute to any party any draft or final report or any copy thereof until 1.) the final report is released publicly or 2.) without prior written approval of LMC.

LMC Cultural Mapping Steering Group (Boyden Urban Village) —Terms of Reference              Page 2 of 3

LMC Cultural Mapping Steering Group (Bowden Urban Village) —Terms of Reference              Page 3 of 3

LMC Cultural Mapping Steering Group (Bowden Urban Village) — Terms of Reference




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1 comment:

Helen said...

"Well you've cracked the sky, scrapers fill the air.
But will you keep on building higher 'til there's no more room up there?
Will you make us laugh, will you make us cry?
Will you tell us when to live, will you tell us when to die?

I know we've come a long way,
We're changing day to day,
But tell me, where do the children play?"

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