Saturday, August 28, 2010

win an iPod shuffle ! – fill out this Council survey

The City of Charles Sturt is conducting a survey on open space
They would like your feedback on how you use the open space within the Charles Sturt Council area. What reserve and playgrounds do you use? What is important to you about open space.
follow this link to fill out
If you would like to receive the City of Charles Sturt e-news follow this link and fill out the feedback form
Philip Konings
Hindmarsh Greening

Forms will also be available at the Hindmarsh Library – H.I.

survey open space2

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Polling booth, Brompton - preliminary figures

Hindmarsh  Votes 2010
Residents outside the Bowden Brompton Community Center were still having to queue up to vote at midday in todays Federal election. The Greens polled well at this booth in the recent State election.

Brompton polling booth BBQ 
BBQ raising funds for the Community Gardens next door.
Brompton booth breakdown : the following are preliminary figures and do not take into account the postal and pre-voting - which will favour the incumbent

WEEDALL,Gemma, Socialist Alliance, 25 (1.7%)

WESTLEY,Luke, Liberal, 317  (21.6%)

NEAL,Suzanne Family First, 25  (1.7%)

NICHOLLS,Marie, Australian Democrats, 8 (.5%) 

ELLIS,Kate, Australian Labor Party, 700  (48%)

STEELE,Christopher, Liberal Democrats (LDP), 8 (.5%)

BEACH,Ruth, The Greens, 306,  (21%)

Informal,  72, (4.9%)

UPDATE 22/8/10

Too many cooks spoil the broth -

Preliminary results  for yesterdays Federal election indicate a rocky road for Hindmarsh in the coming period. The strong possibility that neither the Coaltion or the ALP will be able to easily get legislation through the new parliament means that a range of Federal infrastructure spending will dry up. The State Treasurer is shortly to bring down a mini budget which will reflect this uncertainty, and the implications for the Bowden Urban Village project will be significant in Hindmarsh.

In the Adelaide electorate, which includes that portion of Hindmarsh east of South road, the ALP candidate Kate Ellis was comfortably returned, suffering a 4% swing against her, which passed entirely to the Greens (13% first preference vote). Expect a powerful campaign in the media against the Greens, who will hold the casting vote in the Senate once the new Green senators take their seats next year.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A number of ratepayers in Brompton
and Bowden wards have taken action
to prevent, if possible, the selling of
First St Brompton, despite the res-
sult of the poll taken on Saturday declar-
ing in favor of the proposal. Reference
to the question will probably be made
in Parliament. The following letter has
been sent to the Commissioner of Crown
Lands on the subject:-
We, the undersigned ratepayers in the Hind-
marsh municipality, respectfullv desire to bring
the following facts before your notice in refe-
rence to the proposal to sell part of First
A poll of the ratepayers was held on Saturday,
July 15, and although the two wards concerned
viz, Brompton and Bowden wards, gave a
negative vote, the poll was carried by the rate
payers of Hindmarsh ward, who are in no way
concerned, and who will reap a large share
from the proceeds of the sale if it is completed
Ratepayers in Brompton and Bowden wards pro-
pose petitioning his Excellency the Governor.
against the closing of the street in terms of
legal opinion received from the Hon. W.J.
Denny, and we, the undersigned ratepayers, re
spespectfully request you to withhold your sanction
to the transference of the street to tbe South
Australian Gas Company until a memorial has
been prepared to the Governor, which is now in
hand. Might we respectfully point out that if the
street is closed it will seriously interfere with
the convenience of a large number of ratepay-
ers, and will be an invasion of their rights as
citizens. We desire also to say that a majo-
rity of members in the Hindmarsh Town Council
are adverse to the selling of the street, and
that at several public meetings….
The Advertiser Tuesday 18 July 1911

Saturday, August 7, 2010


St Clair to a Rally to Save Our Open Space – 
Stand Up Against Development Happy Government- 
before the Bulldozers Come to Where You Live!!

"Developers are funding the government and the government is raping and pillaging our precious open space and rural land to pay them back the favour!!

The government clearly did not learn anything at the last election and has continued on its merry way at St Clair, Cheltenham, Glenside, Mt Barker, Gawler, Mt Pleasant, McLaren Vale and on and on and on!!! They have not listened and do not care!!!

An alternative plan for St Clair incorporating much more open space than those proposed by Council and the LMC has been prepared by the residents and ratepayers group"

 Kirsten Alexander, SCCRA Chair

STClair Alternative Plan

An alternative plan for St Clair incorporating much more open space than those proposed by Council and the LMC has been prepared by the residents and ratepayers group

st clair placards1

Rally at St. Clair Reserve Saturday 7th August 2010:

Friday, August 6, 2010

: Bowden Urban Village Community Groups Briefing - Session 4

LMC Email  Re:

            Bowden Urban Village Community Groups Briefing - Session 4

                     - to discuss draft indicative concept plan



on Wednesday 18 August 2010 from 6.00pm - 8.30pm

            at  Bowden Brompton Community Centre, 19 Green Street, Brompton



Thank you to those who have been able to join us for the three briefing and discussion sessions on Bowden Urban Village over the past few weeks at the Bowden Brompton Community Centre. The sessions generated some interesting and valuable discussions.


Over the course of the three sessions we have:


a)   discussed the next steps - milestones and engagement opportunities, the DPA process, cultural heritage mapping, place making and ongoing consultation;


b)   recapped on the master plan process and looked at the outcomes of the master plan review;


c)   reviewed the draft guiding principles for the development of the site (being the former Clipsal and Origin sites);


d)   discussed sustainability - energy, water and waste; and


e)   discussed project governance.


We invite you to join us for another session - being held on Wednesday 18 August 2010 - from 6.00pm-8.30pm at the Bowden Brompton Community Centre at which we will be discussing the draft indicative concept plan for the site.


In spreading the word of this briefing, we are emailing key representatives and individuals who were invited and/or attended the previous three briefings.


We ask that all key representatives canvass other members of the community groups they represent, to ensure that they are advised and have the opportunity to participate.


We would be grateful if, for the purposes of catering and room layout, the key representative of each group invited could respond to advise the names and numbers of their organisation's participants by close of business Thursday 12 August 2010 - to either the Bowden Urban Village project email address or 1800 number - below.


As with previous sessions, light refreshment will be provided, being sandwiches, biscuits, tea, coffee and juice. 


If anyone has any queries in relation to the briefing please contact us.


Kind regards

Bowden Urban Village Project Team
Land Management Corporation
P:  Toll Free 1800 993 439
F:   08 8207 0830



Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Here are some photos of the latest Mosaic Pot which has been installed at the Bowden Brompton Community Garden.


Philip Konings
Hindmarsh Greening Coordinator

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hindmarsh Issues went along to the PROJECT UPDATE held at the Bowden Brompton Community Center on Tuesday July 27th.                                                                             
These meetings get a 4 out of 5 star rating - the sandwiches are seriously good, and the meetings very well conducted. It's important to let your street contact know if you are planning to attend, and if    possible, rsvp to the LMC at the email address given here. Or you can leave your questions in the comments box of this post.                                                            

From: Village, Bowden (LMC) [
Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2010 3:46 PMSubject: Bowden Urban Village Community Groups Briefing - Session 3

Re:     Bowden Urban Village Community Groups Briefing - Session 3
           on Tuesday 3 August 2010 at 6.00pm - 8.30pm
           at  Bowden Brompton Community Centre, 19 Green Street, Brompton
 Thank you to those who were able to join us for the briefing and discussions on Bowden Urban Village yesterday evening at the Bowden Brompton Community Centre. It was the second of what has developed into a series of discussions in relation to the proposed Bowden Urban Village development on the former Clipsal and Origin Energy sites.
At the first briefing, held on 14 July, we had some interesting and frank discussions in looking at the next steps - milestones and engagement opportunities, the DPA process, cultural heritage mapping, place making and ongoing consultation - recapping on the master plan process and looking at the outcomes of the master plan review.
 We re-convened on 27 July to focus on the guiding principles and governance for project delivery. The guiding principles relate to:  the site; buildings; streets, squares and open spaces; movement/transport; mixed uses; sustainability and community engagement. We agreed that a further session was needed to cover all the principles in the depth that is needed, and a further session beyond that to look in depth at some of the next steps.
 We therefore invite you to join us at the Bowden Brompton Community Centre on Tuesday 3 August 2010 from 6:00pm-8:30pm to continue discussing the principles. Please note that we will be starting at 6.00pm.
 In spreading the word of this briefing, we are emailing key representatives and individuals who were invited and/or attended the briefings on 14 and 27 July.
 We ask that all key representatives canvass other members of the community groups they represent, to ensure that they are advised and have the opportunity to participate.
 We would be grateful if, for the purposes of catering and room layout, the key representative of each group invited could respond to advise the names and numbers of their organisation's participants by close of business Friday, 30 July 2010 - to either the Bowden Urban Village project email address or 1800 number - below.
 As with previous sessions, light refreshment will be provided, being sandwiches, biscuits, tea, coffee and juice. 
 If anyone has any queries in relation to the briefing please contact us.
 Kind regards

Bowden Urban Village Project Team
Land Management Corporation
P:  Toll Free 1800 993 439
F:   08 8207 0830

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